Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

ENG: There are so many things to love about the Halloween season: crisp and sunny October days; trees dressed in brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow; exquisitely decorated shops and houses; delicious pumpkin pie enjoyed with hot tea; scary Halloween movies watched under a warm blanked; and, of course, Jack-o-Lanterns that reveal all kinds of frightening expressions.
Our trip to a pumpkin patch turned out fun and fruitful: we brought home lots of bright memories and three huge pumpkins that we are going to carve for Halloween.

RUS: Есть множество вещей, заставляющих влюбиться в сезон Хэллоуина: бодрящие и солнечные октябрьские дни; деревья, одетые в блистающие оттенки красного, оранжевого и желтого; отменно украшенные прилавки магазинов и дома; вкуснейший тыквенный пирог с горячим чаем; ужастики в темной комнате под теплым покрывалом, ну и конечно же светильники Джека, сияющие всевозможными устрашающими гримасами. 
Наша поездка на тыквенное поле увенчалась успехом: мы привезли домой множество ярких воспоминаний и три огромные тыквы, которые мы превратим в те самые устрашающие светильники к Хэллоуину.

Coat - Vince Camuto // Shirt - Forever 21 // Jeans - American Eagle // Boots - Enzo Angiolini / Sunglasses - Ray-Ban

Ring - JewelMint // Bracelet - J.Crew Factory

Happy Halloween!


  1. Omg so cute with the pumkins! and love the outfit!!


  2. Hi! Just found your blog, and this post is amazing. Great pictures you have here!
    Mind to follow each other? Let me know. :)

  3. Great photos! Would you like to follow each other? Let me know and I will follow you right back!

  4. Your outfit is so much better than a Halloween costume.

    xx Sophie

  5. Merhabalar,
    Bloğunuzu çok beğendim ve izlemeye aldım. Bana da bekliyorum. Güzel paylaşımlarda buluşmak dileğiyle. Sevgilerimi bıraktımmmm…..:))

  6. pretty, can you click in baner Sheinside on my blog? please

  7. Such a nice outfit with those pumpkins :) hehe, good idea for shooting.

    We can follow, if you like.

    Find me here and let me know,
